Current Employment
Assistant Professor of English, Wichita State University, Wichita, KS, USA
Associate Editor, New Oxford Shakespeare (General Editors Gary Taylor, Terri Bourus, John Jowett)
Ph.D., English Language and Literature, University of Virginia, 2011 (Dissertation: “Imagining the Book: The Literary Folio in the London Book Trade, 1593-1647,” Advisers: Elizabeth Fowler (director), David Vander Meulen, Katharine Maus)
Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington D.C.
“Early Modern English Paleography” with Heather Wolfe, 2007
“The Early Modern Book in a Digital Age” with Evelyn Tribble, 2003
Rare Book School, Charlottesville, VA
“Advanced Descriptive Bibliography” with Richard Noble, 2007
“The Stationers’ Company and the London Book Trade to 1830” with Ian Gadd and Michael Turner, 2006
M.A., English Literature, George Mason University, 2003
B.A., English and American Literature, University of Scranton, 1994
Literary Folios and Ideas of the Book in Early Modern England. In production, Palgrave, History of Text Technologies Series, August 2014.
“Shakespeare, Poetical Collaboration, and The Passionate Pilgrim.” forthcoming in Shakespeare Survey 67 (2014).
“’Delivering Forth’: Sir Philip Sidney’s ‘Idea’ and the Labor of Writing.” Sidney Journal, 31 (2013), 53-75.
“Shakespeare’s Theatrical Folio.” Philological Quarterly, 91.2 (2012), 221-45.
"More Press-Corrections in Lucrece (1594)." Notes & Queries 257.4 (2012): 530-1.
Classes Taught
Wichita State University, Department of English
Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis, School of Liberal Arts
Conference Presentations
Assistant Professor of English, Wichita State University, Wichita, KS, USA
Associate Editor, New Oxford Shakespeare (General Editors Gary Taylor, Terri Bourus, John Jowett)
Ph.D., English Language and Literature, University of Virginia, 2011 (Dissertation: “Imagining the Book: The Literary Folio in the London Book Trade, 1593-1647,” Advisers: Elizabeth Fowler (director), David Vander Meulen, Katharine Maus)
Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington D.C.
“Early Modern English Paleography” with Heather Wolfe, 2007
“The Early Modern Book in a Digital Age” with Evelyn Tribble, 2003
Rare Book School, Charlottesville, VA
“Advanced Descriptive Bibliography” with Richard Noble, 2007
“The Stationers’ Company and the London Book Trade to 1830” with Ian Gadd and Michael Turner, 2006
M.A., English Literature, George Mason University, 2003
B.A., English and American Literature, University of Scranton, 1994
Literary Folios and Ideas of the Book in Early Modern England. In production, Palgrave, History of Text Technologies Series, August 2014.
“Shakespeare, Poetical Collaboration, and The Passionate Pilgrim.” forthcoming in Shakespeare Survey 67 (2014).
“’Delivering Forth’: Sir Philip Sidney’s ‘Idea’ and the Labor of Writing.” Sidney Journal, 31 (2013), 53-75.
“Shakespeare’s Theatrical Folio.” Philological Quarterly, 91.2 (2012), 221-45.
"More Press-Corrections in Lucrece (1594)." Notes & Queries 257.4 (2012): 530-1.
Classes Taught
Wichita State University, Department of English
- English Drama, 1587-1642 (graduate seminar focusing on early drama, the book trade, textual editing and constructions of authorship and the canon)
- Senior Seminar: Early English Drama, 2014 (undergraduate capstone course focused on academic research and writing)
- John Milton: Poetry, Revolution, and Print Culture, 2013 (upper-level seminar on Milton, textual editing, and the history of the book)
- Postpunk Shakespeare, 2013 (upper-level seminar on Shakespeare and early modern drama on film, 1980-2011)
- British Literature I, 2013 (survey of English literature to 1800)
- Major Plays of Shakespeare, 2012
- Origins of Western Literature (survey of Latin literature and its influence), 2012
- Late Elizabethan Literature: the 1590s (upper-level seminar on impact of printing and theater upon English authors of the 1590s), 2012
Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis, School of Liberal Arts
- Literature for Today (Introduction to literary study), 2011
- Shakespeare and Politics (self-designed introduction to Shakespeare), 2010
- Pavilion Writers (Advanced Composition Instruction, blended online class), 2009
- Renaissance to Revolution: English Literature 1588-1660 (self-designed 300-level English major course), 2009
- Popular Music Theory (remedial Composition), 2008-2009
- The Wire and America (remedial Composition), 2008
- Shakespeare: Performance and Print (self-designed introduction to Shakespeare), 2007
- History of English I (Medieval/Renaissance survey; section leader for Clare Kinney), 2006
- Advanced Academic Writing (workshop leader for Greg Colomb and John D’Errico), 2006
- Popular Music and Subculture (introductory composition), 2005-06
- Shakespeare: Tragedies (section leader for Katherine Maus), 2005
- History of English I (section leader for Elizabeth Fowler), 2004
Conference Presentations
- “Henry Herringman and ‘Old Shakespear’: The Physical, Cultural, and Retail Spaces of Shakespeare’s Fourth Folio,” Shakespeare Association of America Conference, St. Louis, MO, 2014 (Panel “Shakespeare and the Book Trade 1642-1737”)
- “Henry Herringman, Folio Publication, and the Geography of the Restoration Book Trade,” Society of the History of Authorship, Reading, and Publishing (SHARP) Conference, Philadelphia, PA, 2013 (Panel “Religion, Literature, and the Early Modern Book Trade”)
- “The Passionate Pilgrim and Shakespearean Collaboration, with Musings Upon a ❡”, Shakespeare Association of America Conference, Toronto, Ontario, CA, 2013 (Panel “Shakespeare and Collaboration”)
- “Philip Sidney’s Idea Meets ‘The Necessary Instruments of Writing’”, 47th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, 2012 (Sidney Society)
- “‘Contenning, tell Valeria . . .’: Scribal and/or Compositorial Misreading in Coriolanus,” Shakespeare Association of America Conference, Boston, MA, 2012 (Panel “Shakespeare’s Errors”)
- “Richard Field’s ‘Venus and Adonis’,” Midwest Conference on British Studies Conference, Terre Haute, IN, 2011 (Panel on Shakespeare and Textual Editing)
- “Shakespeare, Folio Publication, and Literary Authorship,” Shakespeare Association of America Conference, Bellevue, WA, 2011 (Panel “Shakespeare For Sale”)
- “Samuel Daniel and the Nature of the Book,” Group For Early Modern Cultural Studies Conference, Philadelphia, PA, 2008 (Panel on Early Modern Reprinting)
- “Inky Toyes: Philip Sidney and the Limits of Material Poesy,” Modern Language Association Conference, Chicago, IL, 2007 (Panel on ink in Early Modern England)
- “‘Greater is she who must the iudgement giue’: The Lady of May in the 1598 Arcadia,” 42nd International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, 2007 (Sidney Society)
- “Manuscript, Print, and Coterie in the Poetry of Katherine Philips,” Bibliographical Society of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, 2006
- “The Sociology of Paradise Lost,” Debartolo Conference for Eighteenth Century Studies (Special Topic: “The Book”), Tampa, FL, 2006